World's first computer couldn't keep on a desk or a table because of it's size. It's size was too big which required whole separate room to keep it.

That was so big in size, but less in features, which could perform some basic calculations only... and nothing else.

As time passed, technology got modernized and this computer came to your table from the whole room,  Which was called Desktop Computer or Personal Computer (PC).

After that, this Computer came in your hand from desk or table, which was called Laptop.

And now, you can put this computer in your Pocket. PEAKAGO has made a laptop which can fit in your pocket.

It's screen size is 7 inches, while Intel N4200 processor is used in it.

The speciality of this laptop is it's size. It's screen size is 7 inches. It's keyboard go to back, when you fold it. And display becomes touch screen, which works like a Tablet.

Several times you carry your laptop to somewhere, and you don't find internet connection when you need it. So this problem has been solved. In this laptop, you can use internet by inserting your SIM card.

Many people carry laptop just because of typing work, but it's size annoys them. Some people do same work on their Smartphone but some are not comfortable with Smartphone and laptop both. They are uncomfortable with laptop because of it's size, and with smartphone because of it's performance.

So this PEAKAGO's laptop has solved this problem.

It's weight is 593 grams and price is around $399 USD.

It is expected to be launched in March 2020.

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